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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Edition of the Album Listening Experience

Ok everyone, now that I have you gathered together, you need to know that overall, I don't care much for Halloween. It really is another manufactured "holiday" that has gotten out of control. Sorry if I offend. That being said, I know there will be many parties this upcoming weekend and my goal here is to make sure that you get some music in the mix that goes with the theme of the holiday but a little different and maybe a little cooler than the requisite songs like: The Theme from Halloween, Monster Mash, Purple People Eaters, Thriller, or Werewolves of London (a cool song, just a little overplayed).

Let's start with the writer of "Werewolves". Make sure that you have Exitable Boy and Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner in the mix. For more about those songs, see my blog about the Exitable Boy album posted previously. Believe me, these songs fit.
Pink Floyd is an excellect source of cool yet appropriate music for the bash. Be Careful With That Axe Eugene, and One Of These Days and both lyrically sparce but come with eerie music. These songs also clearly make a point about using sharp objects to get the job done. The iconic Album, Dark Side of the Moon includes a song called Brain Damage.
Throw in I'll Be Watching You by the Police and Jump Into the Fire by the late/great Harry Nilsson. These songs sound like songs of devotion and love on the surface but are really about creapy obsessions and stalking.

Lord Sutch was a late 60's early 70's British rock star. Little known here, he did reach some level of stardom on the other side of the pond. The album Hands of Jack The Ripper contributes the title song for this list of Halloween tunes. Overall the album is awful but with with contributors such as Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page. Keith Moon, and others, the music tends to overpower his general lack of talent.
Let's add Alice Cooper to the Halloween song mix too. The undisputed king of shock rock would contribute songs like Sick Things, I Love the Dead. Halo of Flies, Dead Babies, and Killer.
Finally, I had to add the album cover below. The title of Who bassist John Entwistle's solo effort, "Rigor Mortis Set's In" is a bit misleading but the cover art is kind of cool. The album is mostly reworkings of 50's type rock and roll but Entwistle still contributed the song Boris the Spider while with The Who. This song is a must for your music mix.

Almost forgot...special thank to Robin for reminding me of this topic

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